Important Announcement – 10/5/16

On September 20th, I was finally able to get some closure on a two-year ongoing struggle with one of my publishers who was partaking in some very questionable dealings in regards to royalties. Which means that by the end of 2016, I will have the rights returned on the following books:

Ragged Edge
Reclaiming the Edge
Edge of Need
Taking Over Me
Rock Your Soul
Break Me In
Glad You Came
Chasing Sin

I have some time to decide what to do with these books, and I’m working on a plan to turn them around to get them back out and available to readers. Six full-length novels (four of which are an entire series), one novella and one short are a lot to juggle so it’s going to take me a little bit to sort things out since I’m only one person. 🙂

When I have a plan in place, I will certainly keep this space updated!

In some way, despite all the struggle and hassle this particular process has been, it is also bittersweet. I was elated when I signed Ragged Edge with Ellora’s Cave. This awesome, fantastic publisher wanted to publish my book. And in a few ways, that choice was a game changer. Ragged Edge earned me PAN status with RWA, something I was convinced I would never attain. I met my awesome editor who I worked with for 10 books. She made me work, and work damn hard, to make my books fabulous. Pulling things from me that I didn’t even know I was capable of. I met some dear friends at Romanticon the couple of times I attended and had a great time.

It’s been quite a ride! But I’m looking forward to starting a new chapter with these books. I had plans for continuing the Body Masters series (Xavier! Diane!) and spinning off the Geek Kink series (Dade’s brothers!) and now I can dig those synopses and partials back out!!

Announcement: A Series Title at Last!

A few years ago, when I submitted Ragged Edge, I thought the book was a one-off. Even though I love writing series, I assumed I would tell Dalton/Erin/Cade’s story and be done. During the first round of edits, my editor poked on me, saying she wanted more. About Collington Creek. About Second Circle. About the characters who lived in the town and even characters who were members of the club. So, with some gentle encouragement, a series was born.

In late 2013/early 2014, the next book of the series will release (edits haven’t started yet so I don’t have a more definite timeline yet), which also means the series has an actual title now, so I can stop referring to the books (Ragged Edge, Reclaiming the Edge, and an unannounced titled book) as simply Edge – world books. So, I bring you a fresh, shiny series title:

Body Masters

Ride the edge of ultimate pleasure with this tight knit group of Southern gentlemen who have dominance woven into their souls and love etched into their hearts.